plot on sale near Dangarpada, Padiabahal, Sambalpur. - Sambalpur

Sunday, 6 December, 2015

Item details

City: Sambalpur, Orissa
Offer type: Sell
Price: Rs 15,000
Land Square, m²:1300


Contact name nandikishor sahu
Phone 7787062189

Item description

read it properly and then sms/message me back.

1st patch of around 2-5 decimil is 5000/decimal.25/(also available on easy monthly installments) hurry up
2nd two patches of around 2-3 decimil is 7000/decimal. 25/34 0r 25/52(also available on easy monthly installments) hurry up.
if you want to buy 6 decemil price will be 60000. if you want to buy 7 decemil price will be 70000.if you want to buy 8 decemil price will be 80000.if you want to buy 9 decemil price will be 90000.if you want to buy 10 decemil price will be 100000.if you want to buy 15 decemil price will be 150000.

in short-this is a agricultural land which can be used residentially
due to presence of legal panchayat road and a borewell for water for temporary use.
1-Plots on sale away from town near to village.
2-away from sambalpur town and near to village dangarpade, padiabahal.
3-legal panchayat road available for good communication(20 foot).
4-borewell is available for temporary water requirements.
5-no litigation hence no tension.clear documents.
6-general land hence no permission required.
7-single owner hence registration within 7 days is possible.
8-plots will be suitable for middle class families after 1-2 years
9-this plot is for those who want to live lonely life right now only.
10-this deal is for investment purposes.
11-this plot is for village house or for farm house purposes.
A-sambalpur dhanupali to padiabahal, deogarh road 20 km.
B-padiabahal to rhs 5 km dangarpada.
C-dangarpada to place or plots 1 and ½ km
13-plots are surrounded by three villages like dangarpada, litimuda, nuamuda
14-gradually it will be a just like small village with all facilities
a-50-60 houses must be there as 50-60 must be sold by me.
b-indivisual transformer will be set up there for better electricity.
c-water tank for water supply.
15-please read it twice and keep one copy.
16-if you are not interested then please ignore it and don’t waste
your time money and afford. And if you are interested then call me
back Thanks for reading.
17-a-with respect to the price of land only the legal communication or
the road should be verified wheather it is available or not and b-With
respect to above points you can easily decide that these plots are
suitable for you or not. C-The legal documents should be verified.
After which plot visit should be just a formality.
18-portability- variable size plots 2 to 5 decimil.
19-readily available for everyone.
20-feel free to ask me any question regards to this deal.
21-peaceful and polution free area.
22-HDFC home loan is also can be arranged. as me myself is a connecter.
23-IMPORTANT-let me know once you get the i got the message.